| 划词

His fist struck home.



He struck the nail home.




closeer, closefisted, closefitting, close-fitting, close-graded, close-grained, closehanded, close-hauled, close-in, close-knit, close-lipped, closely, closely-pitched, close-mesh, closemouthed, close-mouthed, closeness, closeout, close-over, close-packed, close-pass, close-piled, closer, close-set, close-shot, closest, closestool, closet, closet drama, closeted, close-tongued, close-toothed, closets, closeup, close-up, closh, closilate, closing, closing price, closing time, closter, clostridial, clostridium, Clostridium botulinum, clostripain, closure, clot, cloth, clothback, cloth-binding, clothbound, clothe, clothed, clother, clothes, clothes basket, clothes brush, clothes dryer, clothes hanger, clothes horse, clothes line, clothes peg, clothes pin, clothes tree, clothesbag, clothesbasket, clothesbrush, clotheshorse, clothes-horse, clothesline, clothes-line, clothesman, clothespeg, clothes-peg, clothespin, clothes-pin, clothespole, clothespost, clothespress, clothesprop, clothier, clothing, clothing store, clothmeasure, Clotho, clothoid, cloths, Clotilda, clotogen, clotrimazok, clotrimazole, clottage, clotted, clotted cream, clotting, clotting factor, clotting time, clottish, clotty, cloture, clou, cloud, cloud chamber, cloud cover, cloud nine, cloudage, cloudbank, cloudberry, cloud-built, cloudburst, cloudbursttreatment, cloudbuster, cloudcapped, cloud-capped, cloud-castle, cloud-cuckoo-land, cloud-dragon, clouded, cloudier, cloudily, cloudiness, clouding, cloud-kissing, cloudland, cloudless, cloudlet, cloudling, cloudmachine, cloudness, cloud-projector, clouds, cloudscape, cloudward, cloudwards, cloudworld, cloudy, cloudyarn, cloudyweb, Clouet, clough, cloup, clouring, clout, clouted, clout-nail, clout-shoe, clove, clove hitch, clove oil, Clovelly, cloven, cloven hoof, cloven-footed, cloven-hoofed, clover, cloverleaf, clovers, clovershrub, cloves, Clow, clowder, clown, clownade, clownage, clownery, clowning, clownish, clownism, clowns, cloxacillin, cloy, cloying, cloyless, cloze, cloze test, CLP, CLR, clred, CLRS, CLS, CLSA, CLSC, CLSID, CLT, CLU, club, club foot, club moss, club sandwich, club soda, club steak, clubbable, clubbed, clubber, clubbing, Clubbox, clubby, clubfoot, club-footed, clubhand, clubhaul, clubhouse, clubland, clubman, clubroom, clubroot, club-root, clubs, club-sandwich, club-shaped, clubweed, clubwoman, cluck, clue, clueless, clues, Cluj, clumb, clumber, clumber spaniel, clump, clumped, clumper, clumping, clumpy, clumsily, clumsiness, clumsy, clun, clunch, cluneal, clung, clunis, clunise, clunk, clunker, clunky, clupeid, Clupeidae, Clupeiformes, clupein, clupeine, clupeoid, clupeotoxism, Clupoidea, cluse, clusec, Clusiidae, clust, cluster, cluster bomb, cluster headache, clustered, clustering, clusterite, clusters, CLUT, clutch, clutch bag, clutch pedal, clutcher, cluth, clutter, clutter up, clutterlock, CLUW, CLV, CLVD, CLW, Clwyd, Clyde, Clydesdale, clydonograph, Clymenoda, clype, clypealia, clypeate, clypeated, clypeiform, clypeus, clypofrons, clysis, clyster, Clythiidae, cm, cm., CMA, CMAA, Cmax, CMB, CMC, CMCB, CMCC, CMCS, CMD, CMDAC, cmdr., CME, CMEA, Cmeiosis, CMERI, CMESA, Cmetaphase, CMF, CMG, CMH, CMI, CMIP, CMIS, cmitosis, C-mitosis, CML, CMM, CMMI, CMMS, CMMSSA, CMN, CMO, CMOS, CMOSIC, CMP, cmpd, cmpl, CMR, CMRR, CMS, CMT, CMTC, CMTT, CMU, CMV, CMY, CMYK, CN, CNA, CNAA, CNAB, CNACL, CNAS, CNAT, CNBC, CNC, CNCA, CND, CNDO, CNE, CNEE, cnemidium, Cnemidocoptes, cnemitis, CNET, CNF, CNG, CN-group, CNIC, cnida, cnidaria, cnidarian, cnidoblast, cnidocil, cnidocyst, cnidosac, Cnidosporidia, Cnidus, CNJ, CNKI, CNL, CNN, CNNIC, CNO, CNOOC, cnous, CNP, CNPC, CNR, CNRS, CNS, CNT, CNTF, c-number, Cnut, CNV, CNWNS, CNY, CO, co-, co., CO2, COA, coabsorption, coacervate, coacervation, coacetylase, coach, coach-and-four, coachbuilder, coach-builder, coachbuilding, Coache, coached, coachee, coacher, coaches, coachfellow, coachful, coaching, coachmaker, coachman, coachmen, coach-office, coachwhip, coachwood, coachwork, coact, coaction, coactions, coactivate, coactivated, coactivation, coactivator, coactive, coactus, coadaptation, co-adaptation, coadapted, coadjacent, coadjoint, coadjust, coadjustment, coadjutant, coadjutor, coadjutress, coadjutrix, co-adsorption, coadunate, coadventure, coagel, coagent, coagglutination, co-agglutination, coaguin, coagula, coagulability, coagulable, coagulant, coagulantol, coagulase, coagulate, coagulation, coagulation-flocculation,


3G, 401(K), a,


VOA Daily Standard 2021年7月合集

Shelling also struck the home of a volunteer for the White Helmets, killing his two children.

炮弹还击中了一名" 白盔" 志愿者家,他两个孩子因此丧生。

VOA Special 2017年6月合集

An explosive struck her home, leaving it a pile of wreckage.



She saw the emotion in her father’s face and knew her words had struck home.


VOA Daily Standard 2023年7月合集

Authorities expressed outrage on Sunday after a burning car struck the home of the mayor of the Paris suburb and injured his wife and child.



History told of little else; and not one rebel defection — not even Robert E. Lee's — cost young Adams a personal pang; but Sumner's struck home.

历史告诉我们很少;没有一次反叛——甚至罗伯特·E·李 (Robert E. Lee) 也没有——让年轻亚当斯遭受了个人痛苦;但萨姆纳击中要害。


Restoring damage done to the biosphere, taking carbon dioxide back out of the atmosphere — these did not yield the highest rate of return, so money went elsewhere, and thus the catastrophe struck home.



So we took over -- and obviously, with my personal upbringing of apartheid, it struck very much home not only when Black Lives Matter, but also the Asian hate and everything else.

所以我们接管了——很明显, 在我个人种族隔离教育背景下,它不仅在黑人生命很重要时, 而且在亚裔仇恨和其他一切方面都非常深刻。


What really strikes home is that the invasion is not described from the point of view of a politician, a scientist or a military leader in some large city, as it would become a later staple of the genre.




Cober, Cobex, Cobham, COBI, cobia, cobinamide, Cobinotron, cobione, Cobitidae, coble,


3G, 401(K), a,
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